LT-MC302 2-DOF Inverted Pendulum

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Description Technical Details

Labtronic offers the 2 DOF inverted pendulum trainer, a compact bench-top system designed to teach advanced robotics concepts and explore real-world control challenges. Ideal for applications such as demonstrating rocket stability during takeoff, this trainer highlights control issues relevant to aircraft engineering. The system includes a 2 DOF robot module featuring an instrumented joint and pendulum rod that swings freely around two orthogonal axes. Mounted on two rotary servo base units, a four-bar linkage supports the 2 DOF joint at the end-effector, creating a planar manipulator robot with two actuated and three unactuated revolute joints. Dual encoders measure the pendulum rod’s angles.

Learning Objectives:

  • Demonstrates modeling of State-space representation. 
  • Provides familiarization with control using a linear-quadratic regulator (LQR).